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When you visit the Fairelands, you can feel the magic that upsets your senses and mimics you with the environment, in that moment, you can hear the flowers murmuring magical stories, like that of Haruko, a celestial, restless, traveler and passionate spirit born of the forgotten book of celestial curiosities. She could transform into any being and was forbidden to interact with other beings outside her realm.

Tells the story that defying this prohibition proffered by the Heavenly Mother Nature, escaped the human kingdom turned into a centauride, bathed at dawn in a stream hidden by the rocks. One day it was discovered from above by a human named Ezio, who was shocked by its beauty, tried to approach and fell to the precipice, in his unconscious state Haruko took him to a nearby village, where transformed into a human patiently I take care of him until his recovery.

They forged a special relationship of long walks, endless chats, impossible dreams, ordered and disordered fate, played with the elements and each discovered the wonderful world of the other. One night sitting under a cherry tree, Ezio took the hands of Haruko and loudly recited a human poem: "I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees" (Pablo Neruda), under the complicity of the stars, they sealed with their lips a kiss that allowed them to flow together. Haruko felt the heat and the unrestrained current of the mortal touch in his body when Ezio rushed with tenderness and ferocity desiring it drop by drop until reaching the climax, reaching the secret charm of the celestial magic, ecstatic, surrounded kisses and caresses until falling asleep.

When Haruko awoke, he found the stare and challenging gaze of the Mother Nature Celestial, reminding him that transgression had a price, that natural laws existed to preserve order and peace between the kingdoms, human and heavenly love could not be melted .

Haruko protested with a great cry of fury: "love is love, it is the greatest force and can unite all existing kingdoms, I accept the consequences, because I can never live better", marking his death sentence. The Heavenly Mother Nature directed her right hand over her and lifted her to the heavens, Haruko's face looked satisfied, while her body vanished into thousands of cherry blossoms.

Ezio people who have returned to that place say that Ezio frequently visits the cherry tree and meets with friends to tell stories and declaim poetry, despite not remembering the event because it was removed from his mind, emotions and sensations try to catch him every spring when the cherry tree is defoliated and when touching its face it feels that they kiss it before dying in the ground.


Cinammon - applier Centaur Jinx

Ss-NARA female RaiBuku#5 - red - Maitreya item RFL

**CC** - Song of Sakura




Tysm for see.

Enjoy your visit on the catwalk of dreams.

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